Thursday, August 4, 2011

[TWITTER] More Behind the Scenes from Sector 7

08.04.11 - Sector 7, the 3D movie everyone's been talking about, is officially released TODAY (well in Korea, at least). @S7_captain, posted a few more behind the scene photos from the movie.. (with my rough translations as well)!

Note says: "Director, I love you!"
스탭과 배우들 사이에서 단연 인기 최고남은….. 두둥 김지훈감독님! 배우들을 고생시켜 미안하다는 감독님,, 그러나! 배우들의 무한한 신뢰속에~ 특히 현장에서 여성스탭들에게 인기 최고봉이셨다는~!!

The all-time favorite among the actors and staff... Director Kim Ji Hoon! Sorry for all the suffering that the actors went through,, still there's never ending trust~ You're very popular especially among the female staff~!!

온갖 고생 마다하지 <7광구> 배우들의 열정적 와이어샷!그 힘들다던 와이어액션은 기본! 괴생명체와의 사투를 멋지게 연기로 소화한대원들!!

All sorts of hardships at [Sector 7] base but the actors passionately do the shot/scene! A difficult wire action scene! Fighting with (smoke?), the scenes were played out nicely!!

800명이 넘는 스탭과 배우들이 한컷한컷 정성들여 만든<7광구>영화의 90% 이상 오직 한국의 순수 CG기술로 제작한 3D액션블록버스터<7광구>많은 스탭과 배우들의 큰 열정과 노력이 있었기에 가능했던 영화

Over 800 staff and actors, worked on [Sector 7] one frame by one frame. 90% of pure South Korea's CG technology made this 3D blockbuster [Sector 7]! With the great effort and enthusiasm from the staff, this movie was made possible!

<7광구> 속 또 하나의 히로인! ‘그린맨’을 아는가? 촬영현장 속 보이지 않는 괴생명체와 사투를 벌여야 하는 배우들에게 그린맨의 등장은 최고의 대결상대! 

Another heroine on [Sector 7]! Do you know "Greenman"? Shooting the scenes of the actors fight/battles, Greenman emerges!!

Please note: These are just rough translations, if you understand Korean better, please feel free to help me edit them. I would gladly appreciate it! 

Credit to @S7_captain on Twitter


  1. fans no.1 Ms ha ji wonAugust 4, 2011 at 12:09 PM

    i want watch sector 7!!...:)

  2. hope its shows here in the phils. ha ji won ur amazing yoja fighting!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. @ Anonymous, it will be shown here in the Philippines though we do not have specific date yet. I, for one, will watch it with my family first then with one friend at a time. I can't wait!

  4. truly amazing yeoja!!!! sarangaeyo!!

  5. its really different when taping the movie!!!
    they really made it real when you watch it!!!!!
    cool!!! go ji won!!!=)
